Saturday, September 22, 2007

Green beans and Lemon Herb from my garden.

Hello Everyone! Can you believe today is the very last day of summer 2007?
Tomorrow starts autumn. Wow. This last month we put down new carpeting all through the house. What a chore! The hardest part was the library room. We have a little more than 5 bookcases full of books that had to be packed up and moved out of the room to pull up the old carpet, wash down the floor and lay the new carpet down. It was basically anything that touched the floor needed to be out of there. When all the new carpet was laid, all our belongings (bookshelves and books included) had to be put back to where they belonged. A big job, yet well worth it. It looks really good now. We were very thankful to get it done while the weather was nice. I wouldn't have wanted to even consider doing that job in the winter. The next big home improvement we want to do will be painting the house. Not this year though! Maybe late next spring. (The Good Lord willing, of course.)
My husband and I went to the movies last Sunday and saw: "Rush Hour 3" . We liked it. I enjoy movies that make me laugh or make me smile, happy endings I guess you could say. My husband doesn't like 'chick flicks' so my choices are kind of limited. I won't watch horror. But we did like Rush Hour 3. It was nice to get out. It felt like we were on a date. He works too much and needs to rest more.
Well, I had a birthday. I'm still in my early forties. That didn't change. (I'm not even towards my middle forties yet.) For my birthday my husband bought me a new Bible. It's beautiful! It's the new 'Archaeological Bible' with over 500 photos from the holy land where Jesus walked! It has a European leather cover! (It is all that Good!) I've never owned a Bible this nice before. Sorry if I sound like I'm bragging. I'm just so very thankful for the gift. It's much loved.
Enough about my goings on.

The full moon closest to the autumnal equinox is known as the
harvest moon because it is bright enough to enable farmers to
work in the fields by moonlight. If it rises red, it is thought to
predict wind. If it rises pale, expect rain. If the full moon shines
on you while you are sleeping, you are moonstruck.*


On September 21, 1938, A hurricane known as the Long Island Express smashed into New England, resulting in widespread blow downs, and flooding. The storm destroyed a quarter of a billion trees and killed 600 people.*

Why it's good to be a woman:

> We got off the Titanic first.
> Taxis stop for us.
> We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end.
> We don't look like we're beating ourselves up when dancing.
> We have the ability to dress ourselves.
> No matter what fashion error we make, it could never rival the Speedo.
> If we forget to shave, no one has to know.
> We can talk to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.
> If we marry someone twenty years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot.
> We will never regret piercing our ears.
> There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.
> We can make comments about how silly men are
in their presence because they aren't listening anyway.
> We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.*

Have a good night my friends! Blessings! -Missygirl*

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