Friday, November 23, 2007

So...Christmas season starts again.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!!!
The Lord is so good to us! He's so deserving of all our praise!

31 Days until Christmas!

When a waitress in Ohio asked to see a customer's driver's license, she was shocked when she saw the photo on the ID. It was her own picture! The waitress had lost her driver's license a month earlier, and this young woman was using it so she'd have "proof" she was old enough to drink alcohol. The police were called, and the customer was arrested for identity theft.*


1 cup whole chicken breast, diced
1/2 cup red pepper, diced
4 scallions, sliced
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
>garnish with crushed black pepper to taste

To cook chicken, bring one quart of water to a boil,
add chicken breast,
reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Mix together mayonnaise, soy sauce, and sesame oil to make dressing.
Combine remaining ingredients and add dressing. Makes 3 cups.
(you can use this to be eaten on crackers for a party, maybe on a relish tray.)

Have a fabulous day!! Blessings! -Missygirl*

Thanksgiving Dinner leftovers
are always great!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hi Everybody! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

What a beautiful time of year. It snowed last night. Not tons, but it sure is cold!
Monday we had temperature up to 80 degrees. (I think officially it was like 73.)
Right now I think it's about 21, with snow on the ground.
What a change! It's Colorado. I love it.

I wanted to share this article with you. I thought it was interesting:

Big Bugs More Evidence of Eden
For a long time, scientists have puzzled over fossil evidence that dragonflies once grew two-foot wingspans and millipedes were 5 feet long. Now they have discovered a possible reason: more oxygen. Insects do not have lungs to process oxygen but have holes in their exoskeletons to allow air to circulate through hollow tubes called tracheae.
Air passes through the tracheae directly to the cells that process oxygen into energy.
The amount of oxygen available determines how far oxygen can travel down the tube,
according to the scientist doing the study. Thus, with more oxygen in the air, the tubes could be longer and allow the insect to grow larger.
Experiments with insects in oxygen-enriched chambers made them grow larger.
The present oxygen content of air is about 21 percent. A level of 31-35% may have been enough to grow the larger insects.
This is exactly the range that other scientists have found in the air bubbles in fossilized tree sap (amber) . This oxygen-rich atmosphere, and it's reduction, also can explain what happened to the dinosaurs; a drop in the oxygen level in the atmosphere would put these huge animals in jeopardy. Their nostrils and air passages were not large enough to supply sufficient oxygen to their lungs if the oxygen to their lungs was at present levels. They would soon die or be limited to a much smaller size.* -Taken from the Nov/Dec 2007 issue of Battle Cry (Chick Publications:

(I heard a few years ago that Adam and Eve might have been a bit bigger than us because of the
oxygen levels.
Who but God can really know? We'll just have to wait and see.)

White Chicken Chili

4 chicken breasts- cooked and seasoned with cajun seasoning then shredded
3 cans cream of chicken soup
3 cans northern white beans
3 cans diced green chiles
2 teaspoons cumin
2 1/2 tbsp chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
minced onion - (optional)

Toss all ingredients into crock pot and cook for 4 hours. Serve over rice or tortilla chips with sour cream and guacamole
or in a bowl by itself!*

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, November 09, 2007

When ducks stand on one leg, expect cold weather.*

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a beautiful day! - Wow! There were a lot of leaves in the yard this year! It seemed like they were trying to make their way into the house, the car, they totally moved in under the carport. I'm very glad the job of cleaning those up is done. I did kind of feel sorry for the garbage men because of our extra dozen lawn bags of leaves! As my husband was raking, he told me that all of the leaves were the crop that our trees gave us, he said raking them wasn't so much of a chore when he thought about it like that.*

In 1865, (10/10 of that year actually) John Wesley Hyatt
patented the billiard ball.*

Billy Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz , was on a popular news program. The interviewer asked, " Are you one of those who believe that Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven?" He added, "You know how mad that makes people these days!" Without blinking she replied," Jesus is not exclusive. He died so that anyone could come to Him for salvation."*

Always do the right thing

just because it's the right thing to do.


During a picnic on a scorching day at a Wisconsin lake, Ole's fiancee Bess said how much she would enjoy some ice cream. So the young Norwegian immigrant gladly made a 5-mile
round-trip by rowboat to bring it to her. When he returned exhausted with a container of melted ice cream, Ole told himself there must be a better way. He put his mechanical mind to work, and a year later in 1907, Ole Evinrude field-tested his lightweight, detachable motor for small boats. He married Bess, and when the outboard motors went into commercial production, she wrote the advertising slogan: "Don't Row! Throw the Oars Away!"*

(everyone will enjoy these plump, moist cookies)

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup canned pumpkin -or- mashed, cooked, fresh pumpkin
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped

3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1 cup confectioners' sugar
3 tablespoons milk
3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a bowl, whisk together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, and salt and set aside.
Cream the butter and sugar in a large bowl. Add the egg, vanilla and pumpkin and mix well. Stir in the raisins and nuts. Fold in the flour mixture until blended.
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets and bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until golden. Cool on wire racks.
To make the frosting, melt the butter. Add the sugars, milk, and vanilla and beat well. Spread on cooled cookies.* (makes 3-4 dozen)

To handle yourself,
use your head;
to handle others,
use your heart. -Eleanor Roosevelt


Have a wonderful day. Thank you for spending your time with me. And always...
Remember how much The Lord Jesus Christ loves you! Blessings! -Missygirl*

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