Saturday, April 26, 2008

HELLO! Happy Sabbath!

I'd like to share with you the story of a man who feared he could never be saved.....

Approaching a minister of the Gospel, a certain man exclaimed, "I'm such a helpless, miserable sinner. There's no hope for me! I've prayed, resolved, and tried everything until I'm sick of all my useless efforts." "Do you believe that Christ died for our sins and rose again?" was the reply. "Of course I do." "Well," said the preacher, "if He were here on earth so you could actually see Him, what would you do?" "Oh, I'd go to Him at once!" said the trembling seeker. "When you arrived, what would you say?" "I'd tell Him I'm a lost sinner." "If He looked your way, would you request Him to do anything for you?" inquired his counselor. "I certainly would! I'd fall on my knees and beg Him to forgive and save me." When asked what Christ would reply, the man became silent. The preacher turned to John 6:37 and read it slowly and emphatically. Then he asked again, "What would the Savior say if you asked Him to cleanse you from your sin?" At last a happy light came into the doubter's eyes as he said with confidence, "He would answer, 'I will!'" That moment he believed, his fears departed, and a new found joy flooded his soul.*

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Blessings! -Missygirl*

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