Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Friends, I sincerely apologize for slacking on my blog. My mom past away and I was having kind of a hard time with it. I still have my moments. I'm better now though. It sucks when you find yourself playing the shoulda, woulda, couldas all the time. (You know...I should've done this, I could've done that, I would've done such and such, but...) That kind of thinking will make you end up in a deep depression and I don't want to go there. One thing I know, before I even got on the plane to go back to the place of my birth, and until another plane brought me back here to Denver again 10 days later, I knew everything was in God's hands and all I could do was my best. And I did. I really did. That was the hardest thing I've ever been through. The problem I had was the hurt and confusion. I was hurt because I didn't want mom dead. I got gypped out of having a mom. All my life I felt like she didn't love me, I felt like I could never measure up. finally, the last couple of years, we had gotten a little closer but I really didn't truly believe she loved me. I so much still had unresolved issues. When my sister and I were getting mom's things in order, I noticed how many magazines and catalogs she had that were the exact ones I get at my house. Some of the different causes that she was a part of, I am too. There were things she had written saying she loved me very much. I think if we had pushed closer to each other we could have not just been mother & daughter, but the best of friends. At that point I felt confused and I wanted to talk to her but she was gone. Why didn't she ever just hug me tight and tell me she loves me with all her heart? Oh, well...I have to make absolutely sure my kids and grandchildren know that's how I feel about them. One thing I know about mom was that she loved the Lord Jesus endlessly, and in Heaven with Him is where she is. I'll see her again and we'll never run out of time getting to know each other then!
-Tomorrow is Christmas Day! The day when we celebrate our Lord's birth!

For Christmas I gave the kid's money, gave my husband tools, For the animals I bought that new thing to trim their nails called "Pedi-Paws". I had seen it advertised on TV and I was wavering back and forth whether I should order it or not, well, today I saw it at Walgreen's so I bought it there. Yes, I will try it on the cat. I'll let you know how that works out. (if I still have arms or a face after I try that) The dogs most definitely will have theirs trimmed. When I was purchasing it, one lady told me that they had a news channel talking about it and customers had real good results with it and that their pets weren't scared or bothered at all. I hope so. And for myself I bought a new mascara. (I'm easy to please.)
For Christmas dinner tomorrow, I'm going to make a package of frozen turkey breast with gravy, a package of spiral glazed ham, stuffing, cooked red potatoes, cauliflower with cheese sauce, and a carrot recipe that I want to give you. It looks good. (It's from mom's cookbook.) Also some dinner rolls. Simple this year, but we'll do communion and thank the Lord for His goodness and that will be just plenty. We do have so much to be thankful for, don't we?

Glazed Orange Carrots

2 pounds fresh carrots, sliced
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup orange juice concentrate
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley

1.) Place 1 inch of water in a saucepan; add carrots.
Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for
7-9 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain.
2.) Melt butter in a large skillet;
stir in orange juice concentrate and brown sugar.
Add carrots and parsley; stir to coat.
Cook and stir for 1-2 minutes or until glaze is thickened.
Yield: 6 servings

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Merry Christmas! -your friend, Missygirl*

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