Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Good Friday Everyone!

"It is a simple thing to say that Christ died for the sins of the world. It is quite another thing to say that Christ died for my sins......but He did."
{Thank You Jesus.}
But then recall what Jesus said as He hung on that cross, "Father, forgive them."
I'm so thankful to God that means you and me.*

Here are links to 2 Easter animations of Jesus. They are awesome.
For you and kids too. (Go ahead, Check them out.....)

The first one is called "The Walk" :

The second one is "Risen" :


IN THE BOSOM OF THE FATHER by, Kate Knight (April 1934)

Alone in my room in Bombay early on the morning of January 28, 1908, I sat down to my regular reading for the day, beginning at John 1. When I reached verse 18 the Holy Spirit emphasized the words, "in the bosom of the Father," saying them over and over.
I knelt with my face near the floor, eyes closed. Soon I seemed to see Heaven full of glory and music and thrones and angels. In a short time all receded except the Father and His Son, standing alone. I marveled at the likeness of the Two, and then the words came, "The express image of His person."
I glanced at the hands of Jesus. He seemed to wish to hide the scars. Then He shook back the sleeves, and as He gave His hands to the Father, I saw the scars, not as I had imagined on the surface, but deep, like holes. The Father, with tears rolling down His face, kissed the scarred hands again and again...kissed the wounded feet. Afterward He arose, and Jesus buried His face in His Father's breast as the Spirit whispered to me, "In the bosom of the Father."
Weeping, I said to God, "Did You always love Him so?"
"Always," He said.*
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Lord Jesus, I come to You in worship, glorifying You for who You are, not asking You for anything, thanking You for Your free gift of salvation and for the daily grace You pour out to enable me to walk in the Spirit. Amen.*

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May God Bless You greatly this day, this Good Friday! -Missygirl*

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