Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hi Friends! It's almost the end of April and I've just been so busy!


We've been working on the garden. First, we decided to examine how we did things last year.
The last couple of years we've tried to do a nice garden, but we were just no good doing vegetables. (All the flowers, plants and trees...fine. No problem, go figure.)
We had to find out what the problem was with the garden itself. A friend that lived nearby said the dirt in our county is very acidy and it would need to be treated.
Alright. My husband brought home truckloads of manure last fall and threw that into the garden. A couple of weeks ago he brought home the industrial rototiller from work and had at the garden. The dirt was totally ground up and looking great.
I bought a dirt test kit from Home Depot for about $3.00 and tested the dirt. It said normal. HOORAY! This year we might be ready.

We had to figure out what exactly we wanted to grow. I wanted to grow whatever we really use a lot of, I wanted to do it as economically as possible, and make the most out of our garden space.
Last month I started growing some different seeds indoors because we were still having snow days (some pretty freezing days) and I really wanted to give the plants a good head start, so outside wasn't an option yet. I really figure the vegetables have a better chance if your planting plants instead of seeds. I was hesitant about buying seeds from some of these fly by night seed companies that you've never heard of before and the seed packets are way expensive. I really wanted to buy the best I could with my money. My dad said that my Grandma Amanda always used Burpee seeds. He said they always grew for her. I was talking with my sister and she also said, " Burpee seeds." OK. I'll try Burpee. Well, I did try them and 100% of the seeds grew!
I am so pleased. That is what I recommend for you. Burpee seeds.
(And they're reasonably priced too and sold in the grocery stores)
My seeds grew fast and now they are plants. The zucchini seeds grew to plants about 6 inches tall before the weather was good for planting them. They were in red plastic disposable cups in the bay window in the living room. They are in the garden now. When they were planted they were root bound in the bottom of the cups already! My husband said we will get tons of zucchini. There are 14 plants! We planted green beans and even pinto beans. (Those just came from the kitchen. We just planted the beans in disposable cups too, and they grew to a nice plants.) Rhubarb always grows good! I have a plant in the garden that you just see come back up every year beautifully! It's right there again. Beautiful in all it's glory. We planted potatoes too. Those also were from the kitchen. We let them age, just get a little old and grow some eyes. They were planted straight into the garden. I still have tomato seeds and jalapeƱo seeds growing in the window. They can't be planted outside yet. I still want to baby them until they are big. Well, in all, it didn't cost us much at all to prepare this garden. Just elbow grease. I'll show you photos along the way! I pray the Good Lord will bless our garden with delicious vegetables this year!

**************************************Blessings to you & yours! -Missygirl*

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