Saturday, February 06, 2010
Hi my wonderful friends! I'm so glad you're here to join me for a little while.
Well, I'm feeling very much better than I was last time I was here with you.
The forecast shows some snow coming in tonight through Monday. We have just had a very nice and mellow winter here this year. I love it!
My husband brought in more firewood today and stocked us up, so we'll be nice and warm.
It looks like I am all ready for tomorrow's project. I'll be planting some seeds for the garden already, but here inside, in disposable cups. I thought I'd start them now and give them a few months to grow a real good size before they'll be put outside.
This year we're totally using old-fashioned, open-pollinated (non-hybrid) seeds.
We really want high quality vegetables. (I still insist I'll only eat organic.)
We ordered our seeds from:
It's a small, family run seed house located in Southern Pennsylvania.
They have vegetable, flower and herb seeds. They've treated me good both times I've ordered.
Oh!..... I want to tell you how good our God is. Remember last time I told you that I was reading a book called 'Patient Heal Thyself' by, Dr. Jordan Rubin? Well, a couple of days after I had written that to you, my husband and I were on the computer looking at the weekly advertisement for The Sunflower Market. (That's were we buy our groceries.) It said that Dr. Jordan Rubin was coming to another Sunflower Market near here to give a free Lecture; and the first 90 people attending would receive a copy of his new book! We went! It was awesome. We did get the free book but even better than that, he gave me some personal advice about some supplements that would help me with the M.S. and I've been taking those supplements for just a few days now but I am feeling better already. I'm very glad.
I hope each and every one of you are doing well too.
Blessings to you! -your friend, Missygirl*
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