Tuesday, November 13, 2012

From: Prophecy Update Ministry

**Review of the following posted movie **   
I would venture to guess that not 1 in 100 Christians gives much thought about the unseen spiritual warfare occurring in each of our lives and the current events Randy provides in his daily emails.   Randy's new video, "Aliens, Angels and Armageddon" sorts through Old and New Testament scripture to share explanations for angels, good and bad, and how all of us are part of the unseen fighting occurring around us.  You will think differently about Randy's articles and your own life's struggles when you filter them through the lens and knowledge of knowing Satan and his demons are continually trying to destroy Israel and torment us with different fiery arrows.  These lessons will strengthen your faith and provide perspective to endure the trials you undoubtedly will experience sometime soon.  Great job, my brother! -

 Angels, Aliens, & Armageddon


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