Friday, March 15, 2013


PROPHECY ALERT** Barefoot man in sackcloth prays in Vatican City at the time of the False Prophet revealing

A barefoot man prays at St. Peter’s square during the papal conclave on March 12, 2013 in Vatican City.
Could this be one of the two witnesses in the book of Revelation? With everything else going on lately, so much prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes, the end times clock for the world is in my opinion 2 minutes to mid-night. We have Obama going to Jerusalem five days prior to Passover mimicking Jesus. As we know Jesus rode in on a donkey and the sign for the Democratic party is a donkey. Coincidence? Israel is giving Obama a “presidential medal of honor”. They are making an ice sculpture of Obama that is 666 meters from the temple mount. Hamas has warned that Obama better not go to the temple mount they will view this as an act of blasphemy and retaliate with fighting. Are we going to see Obama go to the temple and say that he is God? Obamanation of desolation. Meanwhile another prophecy is being fulfilled of the Euphrates river drying up. These are amazing times we are living in for a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a blessed generation to see these things taking place, prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes.

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