Monday, May 06, 2013


 L.A. Marzulli photo: L.A. Marzulli LAMarzulli.jpg

Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural

 Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

IDF on war alert. Iran-Syrian-Hizballah war of attrition threatened. US set to act on Syria

Syria: We’ll ‘Choose the Moment’ to Hit Back

Chemical Weapons Used!
I was speaking at the Tri-Valley Ministry Center in Hyndman Pennsylvania yesterday and my presentation was on the coming war in the Middle East.  When I returned for the evening service the place was a buzz over the recent developments in the Middle East, specifically concerning Israel air strike in Syria, which eliminated surface to surface missiles from Iran that were headed to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
These missiles have only one purpose and that is to rain down on Tel Aviv and other cities in Israel.  While the Iranians assure the world that there nuclear intentions are peaceful their actions are telling.  I believe Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when he calls for Israel to be wiped of the map.  This is his true intentions and frankly that of the other Middle Eastern countries that surround Israel.
As I pointed out in my presentation, the so-called Palestinians — a recent invention after 1948 —  do not want a two state solution, they want all of what is now Israel.  Land for peace will never work as is demonstrated by Israel withdrawal from Gaza, while as they were leaving the mortar shells from HAMAS began.
Last May in Egypt, President Morsi sat on a stage where an Imam called for the destruction of Israel and did nothing, even while a performer sang a song with the lyrics: wake up the sleep from the eyes of the Jews!

As I have stated numerous times here, war is coming to the Middle East and I now hold to the position that the Psalm 83 war will be the next event we see on the prophetic calendar.  Bill Salus has been stalwart in his position and many of his early critics have now reversed their position, with the advent of the Arab Spring, and embraced Salus’ position.
In closing todays post:  War is coming and when it does it will not be a long conflict.  If Salus’ scenario is right we will see Israel expand her borders.  I would be willing to bet that the heads of the countries surrounding Israel are planning to unite their forces and jointly attack Israel.  As I have stated previously, Obama will stand down when this happens and do nothing.
Watch and be ready as WWIII is looming…


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