Monday, May 30, 2011

Top 7 Supermarket Foods to Avoid

Emma Sgourakis
Food Matters

In a recent article, seven experts in the fields of both food and the environment (scientists, doctors and farmers) were asked just one simple question: “What foods do you avoid?” Their responses had nothing to do with calories or nutrient-density, but all to do with their insider knowledge on how certain seemingly “healthy” foods that they closely work with are produced and packaged. The findings are scary.

If the farmer who grows the food won’t eat it himself, then I won’t touch it either.

Here’s a summary of the findings. You can add these seven to your ‘Foods to Avoid‘ list:

1. Canned Tomatoes

An endocrinologist and expert on the topic of the synthetic oestrogen bisphenol-A (BCA), linked to heart disease and infertility, won’t go near canned tomatoes. Tin cans are lined with a resin containing BCA which is especially a problem with canning tomatoes, as the acid in tomato breaks this down in dangerous amounts. This is a serious health concern for everyone who loves a Spag Bol, especially children. My advice: if you still want the convenience of stored, ready-to-cook tomatoes, opt for sauces and passata in glass bottles.

2. Conventional Beef

For fat cows (and fat people) feed them grain, corn and soy. This is what farmers do to increase profits. The end product is meat that is nutritionally inferior. Cows were meant to eat grass. Studies show that grass-fed beef (compared to corn-fed) is higher in important vitamins, minerals and the heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory fats. Then there’s also the issue of all the antibiotics used on those inappropriately-fed, sick cows… My advice: Look for “grass-fed” or “pasture-fed” organic beef from strong healthy beasts.

3. Microwave Popcorn

Another poisonous packaging issue: Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) lines the bags of those popcorn bags, and the heat in the microwave leaches this straight onto your movie munchies. The UCLA links this compound to infertility. My advice: Corn kernels + butter + sea salt + plus a big pot (with a lid!) Simple.

4. Conventional Potatoes

More than any other vegetable, non-organic potatoes are heavily sprayed with herbicides, pesticides and fungicides throughout every stage of their growth, harvesting and storage. So much so that potato growers never eat the potatoes they sell and grow their own separate plots without all the chemicals. My advice: Organic or Bio-dynamic potatoes only.

5. Farmed Salmon

This is particularly scary considering that in Australia, the only fresh Salmon we have access to is farmed; all farmed, this includes “Atlantic” Salmon. These fish are crammed in pens and fed all manner of junk from soy and hydrolyzed chicken feathers and pellets. A scientific study on fish contamination showed high levels of DDT and PCB’s (carcinogens). So serious were the findings that the director for the Institute for Health warns that any more than one salmon meal every 5 months increases your cancer risk. Not to mention that fact that the levels of Omega 3 and Vitamin D are devoid in these poor factory-versions that their wild, up-stream-swimming ancestors contain. My advice: For fresh fish, choose small & wild varieties wherever available. For salmon in Australia, your only wild option is out of a tin. Look for brands like Paramount Wild Alaskan Salmon, or other brands form Norway and Canada are often wild too. Even still, eat these only occasionally.

6. Conventional Milk

Dairy cows today are fed growth hormones to maximize milk production. Not only does this make for a potentially breast/prostate/colon cancer milk shake, but it also leads to increased incidence of udder infection for the poor cow, leading to pus in the milk. My advice: if you do drink cows’ milk, make sure it states clearly on the label that it is produced without artificial hormones, and ideally choose organic whole milk from pasture-fed cows.

7. Conventional Apples

There’s no coincidence that farm workers have higher rates of many cancers. Of all common fruits, apples are the most heavily and frequently doused with pesticides. Pesticide reside on conventional fruits is also linked to Parkinson’s. To limit exposure, be wary of apples especially. My advice: Organic. Or at the very least, wash and peel. •


ABSOLUTELY... Say No to GMOs !

There are plenty of reasons to avoid and beware of genetically modified (GM) foods. As you may know, genetic modification of foods is a process that takes genes from a completely different species and places them into the DNA of a plant or animal. That alone is a reason to avoid them, but new research reinforces previous findings that GM foods lead to organ disruptions in rats and mice. Scientists reviewed 19 studies and discovered certain parameters—including blood and urine biochemistry, blood cells, and organ weights, including the kidneys, liver, heart and spleen—were significantly disrupted in GM-fed animals.

As you might suspect, these findings could translate into a warning for human health, since GM foods are mainstream. In the past, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has publicly condemned genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply, saying they pose “a serious health risk.” AAEM has even called on the U.S. government to implement an immediate moratorium on all genetically modified (GM) foods and has urged physicians to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients.

The AAEM reveals a long list of disorders associated with GMOs: “Several animal studies indicate infertility, immune dysregulation, accelerated aging, dysregulation of genes associated with cholesterol synthesis, [faulty] insulin regulation, cell signaling, and protein formation, and changes in the liver, kidney, spleen and gastrointestinal system,” they say. These newer findings will no doubt reinforce their stance.

The problem with GM foods, however, may hit closer to home than you think. Unfortunately, you probably have eaten GM foods or are currently eating them—perhaps unknowingly. GM corn and soy make up more than 80 percent of all GMOs available and are found in nearly every processed food in the U.S. What’s worse is that GM food manufacturers don’t have to say on the label that a food contains GMOs. The truth is that if you don’t see the Certified 100% Organic Seal, then chances are that the food is filled with GMOs.

Not only are GM foods prevalent, but GM foods are also patented inventions protected under copyright and proprietary information laws. Therefore, corporations who control GM seeds will allow them to be studied only under highly limited conditions and timelines—usually 30 to 90 days. Typically, it’s the USDA—who doesn’t see the need to conduct in-depth, long-term studies—that is solely allowed to study GM seeds and foods.

You’ll be interested to know that there are a few biotechnology companies who create GM foods, but one stands out: Monsanto. For years, this biotechnology has been pumping GM foods into mainstream America, and it shows no signs of letting up. For example, Monsanto has recently genetically modified soybeans to produce omega-3 fats. They plan to get this manufactured soybean oil in all the conventional, mainstream food products possible, including milk products, meat products, puddings and fillings, nut and nut products, baked goods, baking mixes, cereals, grains, fats an oils, fish products, cheese, frozen dairy desserts, pasta, gravies and sauces, fruit juices, snacks and soups. Monsanto is only one FDA approval away from this becoming a reality. Like other GM foods, this GM soybean oil may not make it to the label, but be on the lookout for it. It goes by “stearidonic acid (SDA) soybean oil.”

GM food invasion doesn’t stop there. Now these biotech companies are further messing with Mother Nature and trying to get their wares to infants. Scientists have introduced human genes into the DNA of 300 Holstein dairy cows in order to create a product with the same properties as human breast milk. The reason? When it’s market-ready, they want to make this available as an alternative to breast-feeding or formula.

Jeffrey M. Smith, best-selling author of Seeds of Deception, is on the leading edge of uncovering what GM foods really are. He says, “There are two primary reasons why plants are engineered: to allow them to either drink poison or to produce poison. The poison drinkers are called herbicide tolerant. They’re inserted with bacterial genes that allow them to survive otherwise deadly doses of toxic herbicide. Biotech companies sell the seed and herbicide as a package deal, and U.S. farmers use hundreds of millions of pounds more herbicide because of these types of GM crops. The poison producers are called Bt crops. Inserted genes from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis produce an insect-killing pesticide called Bt-toxin in every cell of the plant. Not surprisingly, both classes of GM crops are linked to dangerous side effects.”

You may be wondering what you can do to protect yourself from GM foods. Learn everything you can about them, avoid conventional, processed foods and be sure to purchase Certified 100% Organic Seal foods or organic produce, meat and dairy from local farmers using non-GM seeds.

Say No to GMOs—before it’s too late.


What is a body mass index, anyway?

it is:
an index for assessing overweight and underweight, obtained by dividing body weight in kilograms by height in meters squared: a measure of 25 or more is considered overweight. Abbreviation: BMI

Calculate Your Body Mass Index:

(It doesn't look like it will let you link. Sorry, I tried. Please copy and paste it into your browser.
You won't be sorry.)


Hello Everyone! I just thought I'd pass on that information. It might help you stay healthier and make you feel great! It seems during this time of year I always (more than usual) want to look even better than ever!
I figured maybe some of you were the same as me.

Have a wonderful week friends! Blessings!-Missygirl* !

Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Fishing Boy and Dog Garden Statue Yard Decor

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.
(1 Chronicles 16:34)

*Let the End Times Roll!*

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The King Is Coming!

"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Matthew 24:44

In order to be saved, one may sincerely pray a prayer like this:

Lord, I thank You for Your love and Your mercy, thank You, Lord, for the Word that has reached my heart today. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness. Forgive me. Wash me with Your precious blood. Please write my name in the Book of Life. Accept me as Your child, Lord, and right now, I forgive anyone that I had not been able to forgive before. I renounce my lack of forgiveness. I renounce all things that have hindered Your salvation, and I ask You to transform me and to fill me with Your presence every day. Please lead me, and guide me, and receive me on the day You come for Your own. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

If you said that prayer and meant it from your heart, you are now a child of God.


Monday, May 23, 2011

FBI: Ohio Bank Robber Follows Directions, Lowers Hood When Told


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- The FBI says an Ohio bank robbery suspect left authorities with good surveillance photos because he lowered his hood when an employee told him to.

FBI Special Agent Harry Trombitas (trahm-BY'-tuhs) says the man in his mid-20s entered a Columbus PNC Bank on Wednesday with his dark hood up, covering most of his face. Trombitas says in a statement that the bank has a "no hats, no hoods" policy, so a bank employee told the man to pull his hood down, and he complied.

The FBI says when the suspect got to the counter, he handed the teller a note saying he had a gun and to give him money or he would shoot. He fled with an undisclosed amount of cash.

Columbus police haven't announced an arrest. •


By Bill Keller

GOD is the giver of all gifts to carry out His plan and purpose. I pray that this prophetic word God has spoken through me today will open your hearts to the TRUTH of His Word and the imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is a word the believer and non-believer alike MUST read. Please do your part to get it to everyone that you know, post it on every message board and chat room you can. GOD IS TELLING US THAT JESUS IS COMING BACK-AT ANY MOMENT!

The other day I read the most accurate description of our world today I have EVER SEEN. Let me share it with you, "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."

Actually, this came from GOD Himself in Romans 1:21-32. I, especially, like the line in verse 25, "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie." If that doesn't describe our culture today perfectly, I don't know what does. Satan, the great perverter, has told the lie enough times that people have now accepted the lie as the truth, and rejected the truth as a lie exactly as God said they would.

I know there is much debate and controversy within the Body of Christ as to exactly how the events of the end times will unfold. One of the interesting things about Bible prophecy is that you really can't tell someone they are wrong since these are events yet to occur. While the study of eschatology or the end times is interesting, my focus is on our real day to day lives and how to live victoriously in the context of the Christian faith. However, there are some end time events nobody will dispute and one of those is the imminent return of Jesus Christ.

The Bible clearly teaches that NO MAN, only God knows the hour of Christ's return. But make no mistake, this is NOT a Hollywood movie, it is a very real event that will take place. One thing is certain, when Christ returns whatever final events that must take place will quickly unfold and this world as we know it will no longer exist. Even though only God knows the exact moment Christ will return, the Bible clearly tells us what the last days prior to His return will be like. My friend, you do not have to have a Doctorate in Theology to read God's Word and know that without a doubt, WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS.

In Paul's second letter to his young disciple Timothy, in chapter 3 verses 1-5, he describes the last days. "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them."

Peter also shared the signs of the last days in 2 Peter 3:3, "First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires." Peter and Paul could have been writers for the USA Today commenting on the state of our world right now, with their words.

Jesus commented as well on the signs of the last days in Matthew Chapter 24. His disciples asked Him point blank what will be the sign of His return and the end of the age. Jesus answered in verses 4-14, "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

You see my friend, this is why those who know Christ as their Savior have to be busy about the work of the Kingdom. We are clearly in the last days, the night is coming and we must work while it is still light. The imminent return of Jesus Christ is a message you will not hear in the church very often because too many pastors either don't believe He is coming back, or they have lost sight of how soon it will happen. God's people need to not only be ready themselves for Christ's return, but must be busy sharing this Good News with the lost and dying world that we live in. The Bible tells us it is only God's patience that is delaying the last chapter from being played out because it is His desire that none perish and ALL come to repentance.

I will be praying for you to take some time today and PRAY over these words. It is no accident or coincidence that you are reading this today, God is speaking to you. For those who have never made a commitment of your heart and life to Jesus Christ by faith, the Bible says that TODAY is the day of salvation. Take a moment right now, pray and ask God to open your heart and go to the following link and read the words there: .

For those who know Christ as your Savior, this is a wake-up call from God that the time is short and you need to be giving all you have each day in serving Christ. Serving Him is not an option but a requirement of ALL His children. God calls most to serve Him right where they are at, in your neighborhood, at school, on the job, where you recreate, in the various hobbies you have. Every day the Lord brings people into your life who will never go to church, never read a Bible, or never watch Christian media. You are the only connection to God they have. God has put them into your life so that you can share with them the hope and love of Christ. Never forget, when your life is over the ONLY thing that will matter for eternity are those lives you impacted for Christ.

Based on what God's Word tells us about the last days, you can hear the trumpeter in the back room warming up. Christ came to this earth the first time unannounced to the world, born in a lowly manger in an obscure village. However, He is preparing for a triumphant return at any moment that the entire world will witness as He comes back "with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God." •

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Fukushima - One Step Forward and Four Steps Back as Each Unit Challenged by New Problems from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.


Sunday, May 15, 2011


There is a new film out now, that sets out to prove a cover-up by the "establishment" over the death of Princess Diana. It has caused outrage in sections of the British press and is NOT scheduled for a UK release.
It is called "Unlawful Killing". You can watch the full movie trailer on YouTube if you'd like.

Controversy centers around the use of a paparazzi photograph of Princess Diana dying at the scene of the car crash that killed her, her partner Dodi al-Fayed and the car's driver Henri Paul in Paris in 1997.

Directed by actor Keith Allen and backed by Mohamed al-Fayed, father of Dodi, the film is being screened at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival on Friday, May 13, [despite not being an entry].

Mr Allen describes his film as an "inquest into the inquest" of Princess Diana's death. Of the controversial photo, Mr Allen wrote in the Daily Mail: "The photo is not used in the film for the purpose of shock."

"It is included as evidence, because it shows clearly that, although Diana had been injured in the crash, she was alert and very much alive! •

Color photograph of the entrance to the tunnel beneath the Place de l'Alma

This is a photograph of the entrance to the vehicular underpass beneath the Place de l'Alma in Paris. This nondescript underpass, a 100-metre tunnel allowing vehicles to pass directly beneath the Place de l'Alma without encountering traffic lights, is now famous as the tunnel in which the chauffered car of Princess Diana became involved in the accident that ultimately caused her death in 1997. I’ve included this picture about the place where Diana was killed, morbid as that may seem.

As the victims lay in the wrecked car, the photographers continued to take pictures. Critically injured, Diana was reported to repeatedly murmur "oh my God," and, after the photographers were pushed away by emergency teams, "leave me alone".

Dodi Fayed had been sitting in the left rear passenger seat and appeared to be dead. Nevertheless, fire officers were still trying to resuscitate him when he was pronounced dead by a doctor at 1:32 am; Henri Paul was declared dead on removal from the wreckage.

None of the car's occupants were wearing seat belts.

Diana, who had been sitting in the rear right passenger seat, was still conscious. It was first reported that she was crouched on the floor of the vehicle with her back to the road. It was also reported that a photographer who saw Diana described her as bleeding from the nose and ears with her head rested on the back of the front passenger's seat; he tried to remove her from the car but her feet were stuck. Then he told her that help was on the way and to stay awake; there was no answer from Diana, just blinking.

The Witnesses in the Tunnel claimed that the first person to touch Diana was Dr. Maillez,
who chanced upon the scene. He reported that Diana had no visible injuries but was in shock and he supplied her with oxygen.

The first police patrol officers arrived at the scene at 12.30. Shortly afterwards, the seven paparazzi on the scene were arrested. Diana was removed from the car at 1:00 am She then went into cardiac arrest. Following external cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Diana’s heart started beating again. She was moved to the SAMU ambulance at 1:18 am The ambulance departed the crash scene at 1:41 am and arrived at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital at 2:06 am. Despite attempts to save her, her internal injuries were too extensive: her heart had been displaced from the left to the right side of the chest, which tore the pulmonary vein and the pericardium. Despite lengthy resuscitation attempts, including internal cardiac massage, she died at 4 am.

Initial media reports stated Diana's car had collided with the pillar at 190 km/h (120 mph), and that the speedometer's needle had jammed at that position.

In October 2003, the Daily Mirror published a letter from Diana in which, ten months before her death, she wrote about a possible plot to kill her by tampering with the brakes of her car. “This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous.” She said “my husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry”.•

The Italian magazine Chi published a photograph
showing Diana in her "last moments" :


Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's been said...If you want to know how soon the end of days (as we know it) will be, look to Israel.

For those interested, read on...

The Journey
May 14, 2011
By Caroline B. Glick
It is hard to believe, but it appears that in the wake of the
Palestinian unity deal that brings Hamas, the genocidal,
al-Qaida-aligned, local franchise of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood,
into a partnership with Fatah, US President Barack Obama has decided to
open a new round of pressure on Israel to give away its land and
national rights to the Palestinians. It is hard to believe that this is
the case. But apparently it is.

On Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal
reported that while Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is in Washington
next week, and before the premier has a chance to give his scheduled
address to a joint session of Congress, Obama will give a new speech to
the Arab world. In that speech, Obama will praise the populist movements
that have risen up against Arab tyrannies and embrace them as the model
for the future. As for Israel, the report claimed that the Obama
administration is still trying to decide whether the time is right to
put the screws on Israel once more.

On the one hand, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told the Journal
that Arab leaders are clamoring for a new US initiative to force Israel
to make new concessions. Joining this supposed clamor are the
administration-allied pro-Palestinian lobby J Street, and the
administration-allied New York Times.

On the other hand,
the Netanyahu government and Congress are calling for a US aid cutoff
to the Palestinian Authority. With Hamas, a foreign terrorist
organization, now partnering with Fatah in governing the PA, it is
illegal for the US government to continue to have anything to do with
the PA. Both the Netanyahu government and senior members of the House
and Senate are arguing forcefully that there is no way for Israel to
make peace with the Palestinians now, and that the US must abandon its
efforts to force the sides to sign an agreement.

Israeli and congressional arguments are certainly compelling. But the
signals emanating from the White House and its allied media indicate
that Obama is ready to plough forward in spite of them. With the new
international security credibility he earned by overseeing the
successful assassination of Osama bin Laden, Obama apparently believes
that he can withstand congressional pressure and make the case for
demanding that Israel surrender Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to Hamas
and its partners in Fatah.

The signals that Obama is setting his
sights on coercing Israel into agreeing to surrender its capital and
heartland to Hamas and its partners in Fatah came in three forms this
week. First, administration officials are trying to lower the bar that
Hamas needs to pass in order to be considered a legitimate political

After Fatah and Hamas signed their first unity deal in
March 2007, the US and its colleagues in the so-called Middle East
Quartet - Russia, the EU and the UN - set three conditions that Hamas
needed to meet to be accepted by them as legitimate. It needed to
recognize Israel's right to exist, agree to respect existing agreements
with Israel, and renounce terrorism.

These are not difficult
conditions. Fatah is perceived as having met them even though it is
still a terrorist organization and its leaders refuse to accept Israel's
right to exist and refuse to abide by any of the major commitments they
took upon themselves in previous agreements with Israel. Hamas could
easily follow Fatah's lead.

But Hamas refuses. So, speaking to Washington Post columnist David Ignatius two weeks ago, administration officials lowered the bar.

said Hamas had made major concessions to Fatah in their agreement
because it agreed to accept provisions of the 2009 unity deal drafted by
the Mubarak government that it rejected two years ago and because Hamas
agreed that the unity government will be manned by "technocrats" rather
than terrorists.

Even if these contentions are true, they are
completely ridiculous. In point of fact, all the 2009 agreement says is
that Hamas will refrain from demanding to join the US-trained and funded
Fatah army in Judea and Samaria. As for the "technocratic" government,
who does the Obama administration think will control these
"technocrats"? And as to the truth of these contentions, in an interview
last week with the New York Times, Hamas terror-master Khaled Mashal denied that he had agreed to the terms of the 2009 agreement.

Indeed, he said that Fatah agreed to add annexes to the agreement reflecting Hamas's positions.

second pitch the administration and its friends have adopted ahead of
Obama's address next week is that Hamas has become more moderate or may
become more moderate.

Robert Malley, who in the past advised Obama's presidential campaign, made this argument last week in an op-ed in the Washington Post. Malley claimed that by joining the government, Hamas will be more moved by US pressure. A New York Times
editorial last Saturday argued that Hamas may have moderated, and even
if it hasn't, "Washington needs to press Mr. Netanyahu back to the peace

Adding their voices to the din, Middle Eastern leaders
like Amr Moussa, the frontrunner to serve as Egypt's next president, and
Turkish Prime Minister Recip Erdogan, have given interviews to the US
media this week in which they denied that Hamas is even a terrorist

Here it is important to note that none of the
administration's statements about the Hamas-Fatah deal and none of the
media coverage related to it have included any mention of the fact that
Hamas deliberately murders entire families and targets children
specifically. No one mentions last month's Hamas guided rocket attack
which deliberately targeted an Israeli school bus. Hamas murdered
16-year-old Daniel Viflic in that attack. No one has mentioned the café
massacres, the bus bombings, the university campus massacres, the
breaking into homes massacres, the Passover Seder massacres Hamas has
carried out and bragged about in recent years. No one has mentioned that
when seen as a portion of the population, Hamas has killed far more
Israelis than al-Qaida has killed Americans.

The final pitch the
administration and its surrogates are making is that the deal needs to
be seen as part of the overall regional shift towards popular rule. This
pitch too is difficult to make.

After all, the first casualty of
the Arab world's shift towards popular rule is the 30-year-old Camp
David peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Now that Egypt's citizens
have gotten rid of US-ally Hosni Mubarak, they have committed themselves
to getting rid of the peace he upheld with Israel throughout his long

Again, despite the difficulties, the Obama administration
is clearly willing to make the case. Regarding Egypt, they argue that
the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power is a good. This was the point of
Obama's Passover and Israel Independence Day messages.

As for the
regional shift, the fact that Obama reportedly intends to place the
so-called Palestinian-Israeli peace process into the regional context
signals that he sees potential for an agreement between Israel and Syria
as well. His advisers telegraphed this view to Ignatius.

advisers made the unlikely argument that if Syrian leader Bashar Assad
survives the popular demonstrations calling for his overthrow, he will
feel compelled to distance his regime from Iran because his
Sunni-majority population has been critical of his alliance with the
Shi'ite mullocracy.

This argument is unlikely given that the same
officials recognize that if Assad survives, he will owe his regime's
survival to Iran. As they reminded Ignatius, US intelligence officials
reported last month that Iran has "secretly supplied Assad with tear
gas, anti-riot gear and other tools of suppression."

What is
perhaps most remarkable about Obama's apparent plan to use the rise of
the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as an excuse for a new round of
diplomatic warfare against Israel is how poorly coordinated his steps
have been with the PLO-Fatah. Mahmoud Abbas and his predecessor Yasser
Arafat always viewed the US obsession with getting the Arabs and Israel
to sign peace treaties as a strategic asset. Anytime they wanted to
weaken Israel, they just needed to sound the fake peace drum loudly
enough to get the White House's attention. US presidents looking for the
opportunity to "make history" were always ready to take their bait.

his predecessors, Obama's interest in the Palestinians is not
opportunistic. He is a true believer. And because of his deep-seated
commitment to the Palestinians, his policies are even more radically
anti-Israel than the PLO-Fatah's. It was Obama, not Abbas, who demanded
that Jews be barred from building anything in Jerusalem, Judea and
Samaria. It is the Obama administration, not the PLO-Fatah, that is
leading the charge to embrace the Muslim Brotherhood.

Like his
belated move to demand a permanent abrogation of Jewish property rights
in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, Abbas arguably embraced Hamas because
Obama left him no choice. He has no interest in making peace with
Israel, so the only thing he can do under the circumstances Obama has
created is embrace Hamas. He can't be less pro-Islamic than the US

All of this brings us to Netanyahu and his trip to
Washington next week. Obviously Obama's decision to upstage the premier
with his new outreach-to-the-Arab-world speech will make Netanyahu's
visit more challenging than it was already going to be.

Obama is
clearly betting that by moving first, he will be able to coerce
Netanyahu to make still more concessions of land and principles.

Netanyahu's earlier decisions to cave in to Obama's pressure with his
acceptance of Palestinian statehood and his subsequent acceptance of a
Jewish building freeze give Obama good reason to believe he can back
Netanyahu into a corner. Defense Minister Ehud Barak's hysterical
warnings about a diplomatic "tsunami" at the UN in September if Israel
fails to capitulate to Obama today no doubt add to Obama's sense that he
can expect Netanyahu to dance to his drums, no matter how hostile the

But Netanyahu doesn't have to give in. He can stick to his
guns and defend the country. He can continue on the correct path he has
forged of repeating the truth about Hamas. He can warn about the growing
threat of Egypt. He can describe the Iranian-supported butchery Assad
is carrying out against his own people and note that a regime that
murders its own will not make peace with the Jewish state. And he can
point out the fact that as a capitalist, liberal democracy which
protects the lives and property of its citizens, Israel is the only
stable country in the region and the US's only reliable regional ally.

True, if Netanyahu does these things, he will not win himself any friends in the White House.

he never had a chance of winning Obama and his advisers over anyway. He
will empower Israel's allies in Congress, though. And more importantly,
whether he is loved or hated in Washington, if Netanyahu does these
things, he will be able to return home to Jerusalem with the sure
knowledge that he earned his salary this month. •

Lakin freed to focus on family and career
Dr. Terry Lakin was released yesterday from Ft. Leavenworth, where he served almost six months of prison time for refusing orders over his doubts about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, and told WND that he is going to focus on his family first, then his church and medical career.

In comments via telephone shortly after his release, Lakin, a lieutenant colonel in the military, told WND that he also remains dedicated to the Christian ideals on which the United States was founded. •

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bombshell: U.S. government questioned Obama citizenship
The U.S. government is on record questioning President Obama's citizenship status as early as when he was 5 years old, stating it lacked documentation to determine his citizenship, WND has learned.
Read the latest now on


AP IMPACT: FEMA asks for return of disaster aid

In this May 5, 2011 photo, Justin Van Fleet stands at the site of where his home once stood before the flood of 2008, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Van Fleet

In this May 5, 2011 photo, Justin Van Fleet stands at the site of where his home once stood...
By RYAN J. FOLEY, Associated Press

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – After the raging Cedar River filled his home with 13 feet of water and ruined most of his possessions, Justin Van Fleet pleaded for help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to get back on his feet.

Dead broke and living in a FEMA trailer following the 2008 flood, Van Fleet repeatedly submitted paperwork and made countless phone calls arguing his case. After seven months, the agency finally gave him more than $20,000, which he said gave him his life back and allowed him to move into a house.

Then in March, a letter arrived from the government with a shocking message: He should never have gotten the money. And he had just 30 days to pay it all back.

The agency is asking Van Fleet and thousands of other Americans who were victims of natural disasters to return more than $22 million in government aid, acknowledging it mistakenly made payments to many people who were ineligible.

FEMA is required by law to recover improperly spent money, but most of the people who were helped say they used the cash years ago, and they don't want to be financially punished because of the agency's errors.

"It literally felt like everything is being taken away from me again," said Van Fleet, a 28-year-old call center worker. "It's like going through the flood again."

Documents obtained by The Associated Press show that FEMA is seeking payments from more than 5,500 people who were affected by 129 separate disasters since 2005, including floods, tornados, hurricanes and other calamities from Arkansas to American Samoa. The agency is still reviewing records, and more repayment requests could go out soon, including to victims of Hurricane Katrina.

FEMA admits the payments were largely its own fault — the result of employees who misunderstood eligibility rules, approved duplicate assistance for costs that were already covered by insurance or other sources, or made accounting errors. But the agency is still obligated to try to recover the money.

"We are committed to being responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars," spokeswoman Rachel Racusen said.

People who are asked to make repayments have several options. They may appeal the matter, apply for a hardship waiver that would forgive the debt or establish a payment plan. But after a spring marked by devastating tornadoes and floods, the agency's missteps illustrate the potential risk of accepting federal help.

The FEMA aid packages ranged from a few hundred dollars to as much as $27,000. In Van Fleet's case, the agency concluded that the aid was a duplication of benefits since he had flood insurance.

Van Fleet said his insurance payout went directly to his mortgage since the same company provided that policy and his home loan. And the mortgage aid didn't help him since he could neither rebuild nor sell the house, which was deemed worthless and slated for demolition by the government.

According to Van Fleet, two FEMA representatives who visited him at the trailer in 2008 said he should qualify for assistance because he did not receive an insurance payout. They explained how to appeal, and he prevailed on the third try. Now he is prepared to fight the agency again, and he is not alone.

Gary Guglielmana, 69, said the inside of the Mountain View, Ark., home where he and his wife retired was ruined when the White River flooded in March 2008. The couple initially received disaster aid of $1,200, and appealed for more. But they doubted they would qualify because they would be unable to get flood insurance, a requirement of federal aid, after their community opted out of the National Flood Insurance Program.

Guglielmana said a FEMA official told them not to worry. After an inspection of their house, the couple was qualified for another $26,000. They used the money to repair their home. In March, they received a letter telling them to pay back everything.

"That money really helped. We got the house back together, and we've been living in it since then," said Guglielmana, a retired general contractor. "And now they want the check back like we've been sitting on it for all this time. It makes no sense."

After being contacted by the Guglielmanas, Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas introduced a bill last month that would give FEMA discretion to waive debts in cases involving the agency's mistakes. The measure will be considered Wednesday by the Senate committee on homeland security, and Pryor said he hopes to make it law this year despite concerns about federal debt.

"I think most people would see this as a matter of fairness," Pryor said, recalling how Dorothy Guglielmana cried during a phone call with him. "This is not the victim's fault. They did nothing wrong. They just followed FEMA's directions."

Since 1982, the agency has been required by federal law to try to recoup improper payments. But until this spring, collection efforts had been on hold for nearly four years after a federal judge ordered the agency to give victims better, clearer notice about the process and their appeal rights.

A new process was still awaiting approval by FEMA Agency Administrator Craig Fugate when the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general criticized the agency last December for failing to collect $643 million in improper payments to victims of Katrina and subsequent disasters. That figure amounted to roughly 9 percent of the $7 billion the agency has given out since Katrina in 2005.

The inspector general's report called on Fugate to authorize a way to get the money back. So FEMA adopted a new process that it says is fairer for those affected, and the letters soon started going out.

FEMA insists it has fixed many of the problems in the aid program. The agency has slashed its error rate involving disaster payments from 14.5 percent after Katrina to about 3 percent in 2009, Racusen said.

FEMA's National Processing Service Center in Texas continues to review tens of thousands of other cases that might involve improper payments and plans to send out more notices in the coming months.

Racusen said the agency started the reviews for newer disasters that were smaller in scope and has not yet notified anyone affected by Katrina or Hurricanes Rita and Wilma.

Van Fleet is working with Iowa Legal Aid's office in Cedar Rapids to appeal his case. Guglielmana hopes the Pryor bill passes and the matter goes away.

Ray Holmquist of Elmwood Park, Ill., said he and his wife have applied for a hardship waiver to try to get out of paying $5,400, but he doubts it will be granted. The retired businessman said their home in the western Chicago suburb was damaged when the Des Plaines River flooded last year.

"They give you money. They say, 'Hey, take it. Happy days. You deserve it. You're a taxpayer. It's your tax dollars and you live in a flooded zone.' And then all of a sudden the guidelines change," he said. "I hate the injustice of the whole thing." •


Postal Service reports billions in losses

WASHINGTON – The Postal Service is continuing to hemorrhage money, reporting a loss Tuesday of more than $2 billion over the first three months of the year and warning it could be forced to default on federal payments.

Such a default would not interrupt mail service to millions of Americans, but it could further hobble an agency struggling with a sharp decline in mail because of the Internet and a tough economy.

The agency says the $2.2 billion loss covers Jan. 1 to March 31, 2011 — sharply higher than the net loss of $1.6 billion for the same period last year. The post office also said it will have reached its borrowing limit, set by Congress, of $15 billion by the end of the fiscal year.

Unless Congress intervenes, the Postal Service said, the agency won't have the cash for certain payment to the government, such as billions for a trust fund to provide health care benefits for future retirees.

"The Postal Service continues to seek changes in the law to enable a more flexible and sustainable business model," said Postmaster General and CEO Patrick R. Donahoe. "The Postal Service may return to financial stability only through significant changes to the laws that limit flexibility and impose undue financial burdens."

Total mail volume, about 41 billion pieces, was down 3.1 percent for the January to March period, compared to the same time a year earlier, the Postal Service said. A modest increase in revenue from standard mail wasn't enough to offset the revenue loss from fewer pieces of first-class mail.

In the last three years, the agency has cut over 130,000 jobs. And it's making more cuts, with the elimination of about 7,500 administrative jobs in regional offices.

The Postal Service does not receive tax money for its operations. •


Casey Anthony fights tears as judge reads charges

Casey Anthony, Ann Fennell AP – Casey Anthony, center, talks to death penalty consultant Ann Finnell at Pinellas County

CLEARWATER, Fla. – An Orlando woman charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter fought tears as the accusations against her were read to prospective jurors.

Pinellas County Chief Judge Belvin Perry began the third day of jury selection by reading the charging documents to a new panel of 50 prospective jurors. Perry dismissed 50 prospects Tuesday because several of them were discussing the case in a jury holding room.

Casey Anthony lowered her head and wiped her eyes as the indictment was read Wednesday. She is charged with first-degree murder in the 2008 death of daughter Caylee.

Jury selection is being held outside Orlando because of intense media coverage. •


Sophisticated smuggling tunnel found in Nogales

Posted: 10 May 2011 08:43 PM PDT

Authorities have found a 250-foot-long unfinished smuggling tunnel underneath the U.S.-Mexico border that had electricity, water pumps and ventilation. Chief Border Patrol Agent Randy Hill says the tunnel is more sophisticated than other recently discovered tunnels, saying that those who were building it chiseled through solid rock and installed lighting and other equipment.

Cellphones to Get an Emergency Alert System

Posted: 09 May 2011 11:52 PM PDT

The emergency broadcast system is coming to cellphones soon. Federal officials will announce on Tuesday in Manhattan that some cellphone users in New York and Washington will soon be able to receive emergency alerts by text message in the event of a national or regional emergency. The emergency alert service in those cities is scheduled [...]

4 Arrested After Suspicious Incident At DIA

Posted: 09 May 2011 06:04 AM PDT

CBS 4 reports four people were arrested after a suspicious incident at Denver International Airport. The incident reportedly happened Saturday morning at the south end security checkpoint. Airport personnel saw someone videotaping the security lines. Police confronted the person with the camera and the three people in line who were being taped. •

Personally I needed to see this from a Homeland Security Alert to see what's going on in my back yard? That is ridiculous. Our Government (State and Federal) need to respect it's citizens!

Blessings to all & hopes for a brighter tomorrow! -Missygirl*

Monday, May 09, 2011



Hawaii detective charges: 'Birth certificate' a fraud
A private investigator claims employees of the state Department of Health forged three Hawaiian birth certificates for Barack Obama to "screw with birthers."
Read the latest now on


President Obama is thumbing his nose at a majority of Americans by insisting on the integration of open homosexual behavior into the U.S. military, according to a new poll.
Click here for details.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Elsie Eiler walks past an abandoned building ...

Elsie Eiler

Elsie Eiler walks past an abandoned building that was once a general store in Monowi, Nebraska April 28, 2011. At its peak in the 1930's the town had 150 residents but after the railroad left it began to decline. Now down to a population of just one, Monowi is the only incorporated town, village or city in the United States with just a single resident. The general store closed when World War Two started and the owner moved out of town to serve on the draft board. Picture taken April 28, 2011.


Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Meat You Should Never, Ever Eat...

Posted By Dr. Mercola | May 04 2011



Why does Obama have 2 different birth doctors?

Buffalo News, Snopes, Hawaii disagree on attending physician

Read more: Why does Obama have 2 different birth doctors?


Steve King Outraged – 3 Terror Convicts Get Citizenship

Newsmax reports three people convicted of terror-related offenses after 9/11 were given U.S. citizenship later, outraging Rep. Steve King, the Republican chairman of the House subcommittee that deals with immigration. “It’s outrageous that you can have people under your very nose and adjudicate them through the process and convict them and then turn around and grant them citizenship,” King told CNS News. •


Only in our politically correct country could these things happen!
Is everything okay to do as long as it's done in secret and nobody else knows?
I've had family and friends fight and die for this country to defend the laws that are rapidly being taken away or abused and changed!
Not to mention the MORALS of our country?
The Lord JESUS could come back for His own at any moment.
So many people just aren't ready and they just don't care. So sad.

Sorry. I don't even know if anyone is out there.
With a saddened heart, I'm just venting.-Missygirl*

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I've gotten to the point that I just don't believe not even 1 single word that comes from our government anymore. So many lies. Such a sad thing actually because I really love my country.
I doubt I'm alone with these feelings.
May God bless us....each and everyone. -Missygirl*

Monday, May 02, 2011

World on alert after U.S. kills bin Laden

WASHINGTON/ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) – World leaders warned of revenge attacks after Osama bin Laden was killed in a U.S. assault in Pakistan on Monday that brought to a dramatic end the long manhunt for the al Qaeda leader who had become the most powerful symbol of Islamist militancy.

President Barack Obama hailed bin Laden's death, saying: "The world is safer. It is a better place because of the death of Osama bin Laden." But the euphoria that drew flag-waving crowds to "Ground Zero" of the New York attacks the Saudi-born militant masterminded a decade ago was tempered by calls for vigilance against retaliation by his followers.

Vows to avenge his death appeared quickly in Islamist militant forums, a key means of passing on information from al Qaeda leaders. "God's revenge on you, you Roman dog, God's revenge on you crusaders... this is a tragedy brothers, a tragedy," one forum member wrote.

Bin Laden was quickly buried at sea after Muslim funeral rites, his shrouded body placed in a weighted bag and tipped from the deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier into the North Arabian Sea, U.S. officials said.

The death of bin Laden, who achieved near-mythic status for his ability to elude capture for more than a decade, closes a bitter chapter in the global fight against al Qaeda, but it does not eliminate the threat of further strikes.

Under bin Laden's leadership, al Qaeda militants struck targets from the Indonesian island of Bali to the European capitals of Madrid and London as well as the east African nations of Kenya and Tanzania.

But it was the September 11, 2001, attacks, in which al Qaeda militants used hijacked planes to strike at economic and military symbols of American might and killed nearly 3,000 persons, that helped bin Laden achieve global infamy.

Those attacks spawned two wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, inflicted damage on U.S. ties with the Muslim world that have yet to be repaired, and redefined security for air travelers.

"Even as we mark this milestone, we should not forget that the battle to stop Al Qaeda and its syndicate of terror will not end with the death of bin Laden," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said just hours after bin Laden was killed with a bullet in the head at his Pakistani compound and quickly buried at sea.


A small U.S. strike team, dropped by helicopter to bin Laden's hideout near the Pakistani capital Islamabad under the cover of night, shot dead the al Qaeda leader in a firefight.

"This was a kill operation," one security official told Reuters, but added: "If he had waved a white flag of surrender he would have been taken alive."

The revelation that bin Laden was living in a three-story residence in the military garrison town of Abbottabad, and not as many had speculated, in the country's lawless western border regions, is a huge embarrassment to Pakistan, whose relations with Washington have frayed under the Obama administration.

While U.S. intelligence officials said Pakistani authorities did not know bin Laden was sheltering there, U.S. lawmakers insisted Islamabad had a lot of questions to answer.

Reflecting a lack of trust between the two countries, U.S. officials said they did not tell Pakistan about the operation until it was over.

Obama, whose popularity has suffered from continuing U.S. economic woes, will likely see a short-term bounce in his approval ratings. At the same time, he is likely to face mounting pressure from Americans to speed up the planned withdrawal this July of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

However, Bin Laden's death is unlikely to have any impact on the nearly decade-long war in Afghanistan, where U.S. forces are facing record violence by a resurgent Taliban.

Many analysts see bin Laden's death as largely symbolic since he was no longer believed to have been issuing operational orders to the many autonomous al Qaeda affiliates around the world.

"There are a lot of al Qaeda look-alike cells," said Steve Clemons, a Middle East analyst at the New America Foundation. "Bin Laden was an animating force but there are other ways these groups get oxygen and can remain a threat."

Financial markets were more optimistic. The dollar and stocks rose, while oil and gold fell, on the view bin Laden's death reduced global security risks.


To prevent his gravesite from becoming a rallying point for his followers, Bin Laden's body was buried at a sea. Muslim religious rites were conducted on the deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier in North Arabian Sea, a defense official said.

"You wouldn't want to leave him so that his body could become a shrine," one U.S. official said.

But some Muslim clerics questioned whether the United States followed proper Islamic tradition, saying Muslims should not be buried at sea unless they died during a voyage. Analysts warned this could stoke anti-American sentiment.

Mindful of possible suspicion in the Muslim world that U.S. forces may have gotten the wrong man, a U.S. official said DNA testing showed a "virtually 100 percent" match with the al Qaeda leader. His body was also identified by one of his wives, an intelligence official said.

Fearful of revenge attacks, the United States issued security warnings to Americans worldwide. "We should not forget that the battle to stop Al Qaeda and its syndicate of terror will not end with the death of bin Laden," Clinton said.

CIA Director Leon Panetta said al Qaeda would "almost certainly" try to avenge bin Laden's death.

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy hailed the killing as a coup in the fight against terrorism, but he, too, warned it did not spell al Qaeda's demise. British Prime Minister David Cameron said the West would have to be "particularly vigilant" in the weeks ahead.

U.S. officials said bin Laden was found in a million-dollar compound in Abbottabad, 35 miles north of Islamabad. After 40 minutes of fighting, bin Laden, three other men and a woman, who U.S. officials said was used as a human shield, lay dead.

A source familiar with the operation said bin Laden was shot in the head after the U.S. military team, which included members of the Navy's elite Seals unit, stormed the compound.

Television pictures from inside the house showed bloodstains smeared across a floor next to a large bed.

It was the biggest national security victory for the president since he took office in early 2009 and will make it difficult for Republicans to portray Democrats as weak on security as he seeks re-election in 2012.

In contrast to the celebrations in America, on the streets of Saudi Arabia, bin Laden's native land, there was a mood of disbelief and sorrow among many. The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas mourned bin Laden as an "Arab holy warrior."

But many in the Arab world felt his death was long overdue. For many Arabs, inspired by the popular upheavals in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere over the past few months, the news of bin Laden's death had less significance than it once might have.

The operation could complicate relations with Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in the battle against militancy and the war in Afghanistan. Those ties have already been damaged over U.S. drone strikes in the west of the country and the six-week imprisonment of a CIA contractor earlier this year.

"For some time there will be a lot of tension between Washington and Islamabad because bin Laden seems to have been living here close to Islamabad," said Imtiaz Gul, a Pakistani security analyst. •

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